Ian Anderson House


Hospice wild life - blue bird in the garden

Admission Criteria

Ian Anderson House is open to individuals aged 18 or older with a life expectancy of three months or less who, for whatever reason, cannot be provided with the necessary around-the-clock care in their own homes. 

Admission to the “House” is open to individuals who reside within the geographical boundary of the Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network, which includes most of Mississauga (excluding Malton), Oakville, Milton, Halton Hills and South Etobicoke.

Historically, the “House” has only admitted individuals who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, but we now also may accept individuals with non-cancer diagnoses on a case-by-case basis.

Referrals may be initiated by the person, a family member or a member of the person’s health care team. In all cases, a referral form must be completed by a doctor, nurse or other health care professional involved.

To download our referral form, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact us.

For our Admission Process, please see the next section (below).

Prospective residents and family members are contacted by a Home Coordinator for assessment. If deemed eligible for admission, the prospective resident will be added to the referral list.

Prospective residents on our referral list will be contacted regularly by one of our Home Coordinator RNs. We encourage family members to contact one of the Home Coordinators at any time if there are any significant changes in a prospective resident’s circumstances.

Priority of admission for the next available bed is determined by a Home Coordinator RN based on an assessment of the most urgent need.

For more information regarding the admission process, please contact us.